Foot Therapy
98% of all children are born with healthy feet, but about 60% of adults have foot damages – caused by modern shoe fashion and environmental influences.
Most foot malpositions can be treated with a non-invasive therapy, i.e. with inlays or bandages. After an exact analysis of the foot malposition, a suitable inlay is prescribed to correct the foot malformation.
Once a week my practice is entirely dedicated to the foot. During this “Foot Afternoon” an orthopaedic technician from Schuster Schalk is visiting the practice. I take plaster impressions of the feet of my patients so that the inlays have the right fit. Patients are discussed with the orthopaedic technician – especially difficult cases – to ensure optimal care. We also adjust bandages and check the fit of bandages or inlays.
In my practice, the patient is cared for directly with various bandages, inlays and special orthopaedic products.